爪切り ネイルクリッパー ニッパー式 ネイルケア 巻き爪 深爪 ネイルケア
Item Information
- Auction ID
- o1169361035
- Current Bids
- 1
- Item Condition
- New
- Quantity
- 1
- Start Price
- 450 JPY
- Current Bid Increment
- 10 JPY
- Automatic Extension
The ending time of this auction will automatically get a 5-minute extension if a user bids during the last 5 minutes of the auction. There is no limit to the number of times the ending time can be extended.
- Enabled
- Seller Type
- Individual
- Item Location
- 福岡県
Domestic Shipping
Depending on the type of item, our purchase team may ask the seller to change to a safer domestic shipping method that offers tracking and insurance. Please note that this may require an additional domestic shipping fee.
- Free
- Current Highest Bidder
- 6*2*e*** / Seller feedback : 1022
- Start Time
- 2025-01-14 21:40:53 (Japan Time)
- End Time
- 2025-01-15 21:56:20 (Japan Time)
Early Closure
The seller has the option to end this auction early. The highest bidder at that point will automatically win the item.
- Enabled
Item Description
素材 :ステンレス、ABS
爪切り ネイルクリッパー ニッパー ハサミ
つめ切り ステンレス 巻き爪 深爪 硬い爪 ネイルケア
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